
Showing posts from May, 2021


YouTube I'm going to encode a full version of my short film for YouTube in 1080p here is proof: I'm also going to encode a full version of my short film for YouTube in 720p here is proof: I'm also going to encode a full version of my short film for Vimeo in 1080p here is proof: I'm also going to encode a full version of my short film for Vimeo in 720p here is proof: Im going to encode my short film Into a wide range of sources and platforms. I m gonna use the websites youth and  Vimeo to encode these for suitable high quality streaming for the everyday viewer. This will be on mobile and  everything else. This will result in different quality and sizes to be streamed.  Youtube and Vimeo have their own specifications in which you have to import videos, these are the  specifications: YouTube Minimum dimension:  240p (426 x 240 ). ​ Maximum dimension:   4K (3840 x 2160) . ​ Aspect ratio : 16:9 (automatically adds black frame for 4:3 videos). ​ Max file size : 128 GB . ​ Max


In my short film The Bradley Parable The audio in my film is pretty good as the viewer can obviously make out what is diegetic a non-diegetic sound and I see this as one of the short films strengths as they can hear everything in my film that I want them to hear but also they don't hear what I don't want them too. For example many times in the short film I changed the diegetic sound or completely removed it for the sake of not taking the viewer out of the films story like at the second act of the short film I got rid off some diegetic sound from the background as the sound was to loud or abrupt compared to everything else happening in the short film at that specific time in the story I was telling.   The only way I can see my short film as is having a weakness when it comes to sound is that at some points The dietetic audio can seem louder than the music playing in the background like when I go to sit down at my chair in one of the scenes it seems too loud compare to everything


I n my short film The Bradley Parable I both use diegetic and non-diegetic sound this means I have to mix these two together to create a nice experience that isn't to jarring or annoying to hear while I'm trying to tell my story. Diegetic Sound First there was diegetic sound and this was most easy part of the mixing as I simply used the diegetic audio record on my phone and lowered the audio in premiere pro and in some cases made the music I put over it for effect. Music The next thing was the music, the music I used was calm as it doesn't try to be loud so I didn't need to change the music to be quieter and that was ok and also for this music I needed to end the first version of the song I was using to begin the other part quicker so I simply shortened the audio and began the panic version of the song. For the panic version of the song I did need to change it a little as this small 20 or so seconds of music is way more loud so I did need to change some diegetic sound t


For my short film the Bradley Parable I had recorded my original diegetic sound through my iPhone 11 which was also how I filmed my films visuals. The way I did this is by using my iPhone 11's microphone and capturing audio through it, for example at the beginning and the end of the film include a diegetic sound of my shoes hitting the ground and sounds of me walking on the wooden floor along with many other diegetic sounds like the sounds of typing on a keyboard, footsteps, door slamming and squeaks in a chair.  

4.1 Strengths and Weaknesses of My Short Film

This is my short film The Bradley Parable. in making this film I have learned many things like how to do very creative looking shots and I have been able to make a very (in my option) I have made a visually pleasing short film to watch and this is one of the films core strengths along with a story and style that is reminiscent of the video game that it is based off of called The Stanley Parable. Another strength I believe the short film has is the music that is actually from the video game The Stanley Parable, (which also furthers the reminiscent style of the game) this music is intense and is great for the tone of the film. The weaknesses of this short film are that some of the shots in the film I would have done differently as I only had a still shot and the reason for this is that I didn't have a camera man for some shots so I had to use just normal plain shots which look bland and boring. Another weak aspect of my short film is that I had to use a text to speech robot for one o

1.3 & 3.1 & 4.1 Blast Off Pitch Reviews

Ben Inac   Jake Withers Kieran Turley  Kieron Thompson Matthew Bainbridge Joshua Robinson  


Encoding Formats Encoding formats are segmented and compressed versions of videos that are needed so that videos can be posted to the internet. Some of the most common encoding formats include MP3, MOV, AVI, FLV and MKV. How Does Encoding Work? How Encoding works is complicated as it first takes the uncompressed video continues to compress it making the size of the file much smaller than the original in doing this the quality is made a tiny bit worse then the original. also during the encoding the audio in the video continues to be transcoded which means it checks the audio linked with the video works fine and is connected to the new compressed version of the video with no problems. What Is Codec? Codec (also known as decoder or coder) is a method of compressing and decompressing data so whatever data you have can be easily transferred to different applications. compression Is when a video file is made smaller therefore less nice to look at as it fuzzy. What is a Container? A container


At the beginning of the video I open it up with some diegetic sound of my shoes hitting the ground and shortly after i

1.1 & 1.2 personal project management plan

In week 1 we all discussed what a media product and I remember showing a scene from the social network to everyone. In week 2 we all discussed what a media product and I remember showing the ending of Portal 2 to everyone. In week 3 we all got tested on logos and slogans and why they are memorable and good for businesses. In week 4 we all got tested on advertising and branding and why they are memorable and good for businesses and I remember watching the music video for needing/getting by ok go where they used a car to advertise it. In week 5 we did quick fire pitches where we pitched tv shows, mobile apps and this was the start of project preparation. In week 6 we watched juniors apprentice and we watched these kids pitch things so we could understand what we were going to do. In week 7 we started working on the idea for the adidas Swazz brief, creating ideas. In week 8 we studied target audiences and market research. In week 9 and 10 we did a lot of project planning. In week 11 we st


Editing Choices In my short film i have chosen to start my film with doing a montage of the main character doing the same things over and over and over again and then the story begins after the screen cuts to black, this helps build up tension and interest in the story. Also in my short film there is some POV shots, long shots and close ups. I also used a loop  at the start of my film to create a sort of day to day basis effect. In the what I will call the intense bit where The Narrator begins to speak directly to Bradley about his annoyance of him not following his orders and bring this I changed the filter to make it darker along with changing the background music to a more intense version of the song being played normally. Filter Choices I also used the filters in priemere pro, to do this I clicked on the colours tab and then selected the filter that most fit the the story I was telling in the short film. For example at the beginning the film I used a bright and nice filter (Fuji ET

Joshua Robinson Oracy Passport

Why Oracy is Important to Me Oracy is important to me as in  many times in my life I will need to speak in front of a lot of people either for pitching ideas for people in media or for many other reasons and at the moment I am just ok at public speaking and the only thing is is that i get real nervous before I do it but when I'm doing it all my fears go away. For example recently I had to perform a pitch for my media studies class that was my idea for a music video for a song called blast off and I was very nervous before I did the pitch but as soon as I began the presentation I was started and completed I was completely fine and i was completely calm. Obstacles  to Overcome I have dyslexia and it doesn't effect me too much when I'm public speaking but it does effect me when I have to read something specific on my presentation but im ok really  doesn't happen often. Tuesdays activity I Tuesdays lesson we were tested on how to act during an interview like how to sit and

1.1 & 1.2 Blast Off Music Video Budget Cost

  The budget cost for my idea for my idea for the blast off music video is a very high one because between the hiring of stunt people, extras, the robbers in the video and along with the set of the bank and of the alley way and the budget for the explosion at the end of the video along with the vfx we will need to make that includes the gun shots, rocket launcher shot and the entire background of the sets as they would be filmed with green screen as they would have to have a place to film the bank robbery and the explosions without scaring people and causing panic. The budget will be in the thousands around (around £50000) and possibly more as if something went wrong with production we would need more than the predicted number that is already very high.