In my short film The Bradley Parable I both use diegetic and non-diegetic sound this means I have to mix these two together to create a nice experience that isn't to jarring or annoying to hear while I'm trying to tell my story.

Diegetic Sound

First there was diegetic sound and this was most easy part of the mixing as I simply used the diegetic audio record on my phone and lowered the audio in premiere pro and in some cases made the music I put over it for effect.


The next thing was the music, the music I used was calm as it doesn't try to be loud so I didn't need to change the music to be quieter and that was ok and also for this music I needed to end the first version of the song I was using to begin the other part quicker so I simply shortened the audio and began the panic version of the song. For the panic version of the song I did need to change it a little as this small 20 or so seconds of music is way more loud so I did need to change some diegetic sound to match it.


The narrator in the story is a very key part in my story so it was important to make sure that the views here it so I made the sound of the video quieter to make sure the view hears the narrator and the only time I intentionally made it hard to hear the narration is at the ending when the music is loud for effect.


  1. Don't forget to finish off this post Joshua. Describe how you used editing software to integrate your sound into your film


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