In my short film The Bradley Parable The audio in my film is pretty good as the viewer can obviously make out what is diegetic a non-diegetic sound and I see this as one of the short films strengths as they can hear everything in my film that I want them to hear but also they don't hear what I don't want them too. For example many times in the short film I changed the diegetic sound or completely removed it for the sake of not taking the viewer out of the films story like at the second act of the short film I got rid off some diegetic sound from the background as the sound was to loud or abrupt compared to everything else happening in the short film at that specific time in the story I was telling.  

The only way I can see my short film as is having a weakness when it comes to sound is that at some points The dietetic audio can seem louder than the music playing in the background like when I go to sit down at my chair in one of the scenes it seems too loud compare to everything else. This can take the out of the short films story and can distract them from the story I'm trying to make as they may think more about the quality of the sound mixing and not be thinking about the story. 

In future projects I would love to improve on my audio mixing making it so that I alter music way more to make the story that I'm telling more thrilling or more of any emotion I'm trying to get out of the viewer whilst they watch. To do this I would make certain sounds in new projects more silent or more loud based on what I want them to hear.

This link is the short film:



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