4.1 Strengths and Weaknesses of My Short Film

This is my short film The Bradley Parable. in making this film I have learned many things like how to do very creative looking shots and I have been able to make a very (in my option) I have made a visually pleasing short film to watch and this is one of the films core strengths along with a story and style that is reminiscent of the video game that it is based off of called The Stanley Parable. Another strength I believe the short film has is the music that is actually from the video game The Stanley Parable, (which also furthers the reminiscent style of the game) this music is intense and is great for the tone of the film.

The weaknesses of this short film are that some of the shots in the film I would have done differently as I only had a still shot and the reason for this is that I didn't have a camera man for some shots so I had to use just normal plain shots which look bland and boring. Another weak aspect of my short film is that I had to use a text to speech robot for one of my main characters The Narrator. in a way this was a good change as it is more similar to The Narrator from the original video game but the problem is, is that I can't get much good voice acting and emotion out of a robot or get it to say sentences in certain ways which ends up being one of the main downfalls of the short film in my option.

The final product is very similar to all of the scripts and storyboards as most of the shots are similar and sometimes better than the original ideas such as the behind them on at the shot as in the storyboards I planned for the camera to just slowly trace around the back of the computer and that was it last in the final product I made it so the camera went into sort of a Dutch angle and it made the scene look better then originally planned. 

In making my short film I found the whole pre production process made the production process way easier as I had everything planned like all of the shots and the scripts and such. This made everything very easy as when it came to filming I didn’t have to worry about what I needed to shoot or what script is and such and such.

My final product was in my opinion great at marketing towards the audience I wanted to market to as the my audience is a mix between the teenagers and people in their 20s and most importantly people who originally played the the video game, The Stanley Parable that the short film was based off of.

During the making of this film I was the director, editor,  screenplay writer and the main character of my short film and Mathew Bainbridge was the cameraman along with my mom when I was filming at home.

During the making of The Bradley Parable short film I have learned many things such as how to edit on premiere pro along with  how to apply music to the background of a video  in premiere pro and also how to frame certain shots and also with how to act a little better on camera.

What I thought went well during the making of the Bradley Parable short film was how quick I was able to create it and the script and how certain shots were filmed but what I would have improved on would be things such as camera quality along with maybe having more creative shots in the short film.


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