Joshua Robinson Oracy Passport

Why Oracy is Important to Me

Oracy is important to me as in  many times in my life I will need to speak in front of a lot of people either for pitching ideas for people in media or for many other reasons and at the moment I am just ok at public speaking and the only thing is is that i get real nervous before I do it but when I'm doing it all my fears go away. For example recently I had to perform a pitch for my media studies class that was my idea for a music video for a song called blast off and I was very nervous before I did the pitch but as soon as I began the presentation I was started and completed I was completely fine and i was completely calm.

Obstacles to Overcome

I have dyslexia and it doesn't effect me too much when I'm public speaking but it does effect me when I have to read something specific on my presentation but im ok really doesn't happen often.

Tuesdays activity

I Tuesdays lesson we were tested on how to act during an interview like how to sit and how to act and i learned a lot like i should sit up straight and not speak in slang and such. 


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