
Showing posts from February, 2021

1.1 Short Film Proposal

  Logline The Bradley Parable is is a short five minute story about a main character hearing the narrator of his story and he goes against The narrator to get freedom of his life.  Characters The main characters of The Bradley Parable will be only the character Bradley who is a teenager who lives his life no very formulaic way as he does everything in the same way everyday until he meets The Narrator who is a character that is desperate to tell a story to us the audience so much so that she turns into the villain of the story trying to control Bradley’s life so she can make a good story. Genre The Bradley Parable short film will be a mix between thriller and will maybe comedy elements as well as it has maybe funny interactions between Bradley and The Narrator. Screenplay Structure Act 1: The story opens up by The Narrator talking about Bradleys life and how it is very repetitive and monotonous as he does the same thing every day. Act 2: The story changes one day as The Narrator tells B

1.2 Risk assessment form

For my visual affect I am planning to do it in my own room and create a green screen effect with my blank wall so there isn’t A lot of risks that can be taken whilst doing this maybe something like my phone breaking after not setting up the tripod properly or not being able to do the visual affect as I do not have premiere pro at home and I only have da Vinci resolve which is a great alternative but it’s not as easy to look up tutorials on YouTube on how to do affects such as my idea for a green screen effect where I crop out my plain grey wall and replace it with any picture I want.

What is a proposal?

A proposal for a product is where one person comes to a company with an idea of a product I want to sell and they have to pitch this to the company and sell them on the idea they have for a product. For example, the director of the film Thor Ragnarok (Taika Waititi) pitched his the idea for the film by showing pictures of what the film would look like through storyboards (which is very important when it comes to a proposal) with the song immigrant song by Led Zeppelin in the background to Marvel. They loved it so they let him direct the third film in the Thor franchise which ended up becoming the best movie in that series of films in terms of sales and reviews. Erik Swann . (2020).  Thor: Ragnarok’s Taika Waititi Explains How ‘Immigrant Song’ Helped Him Nail The Movie’s Tone.  Available: Last accessed 09/02/2021 . First you will need

Audience profile

•My audience is full of mostly people who answered my survey answered with cola as their favourite fizzy drink. •my audience had mostly Xbox’s as 55% of them had Xbox’s so it would be safe to assume that most of my audience likes video games.  •my audience when asked what’s better the grand theft auto franchise or the saints row franchise and surprisingly the less popular franchise won 60% while the other one was 40% showing my audience likes the comedy and action genres.  • 90% of my audience of my audience that answered my survey were male and only 10% were female so I should target males. •30% of my audience likes horror and also 30% likes  comedy and 20% like action along with 20% like thrillers so it’s probably best to target those genres in my project.  •when asked what is the best super hero film in the mcu 20% said avengers and 20% said other and most importantly 50% of people said ironman so I should focus on action and how this film was structured and filmed. • when asked wha

Research techniques

 Research techniques are different to research methods as techniques are just things such as keeping all of your research tidy and presentable for other people to read along with knowing how to store the data you collect from searching around such things as the Google or other search engines. These are very important skills that need to be learned when doing any sort of research. A form of research technique I have used recently is by using surveys, surveys are great way to get research as you can make charts on what certain target audiences want and things of that nature. And also it’s very efficient and time saving has you can get a lot of people to answer your survey and you get lots of data really quickly. Similar to surveys, interviews also our great way to get information and data as you get to know more about individual people in your target audience but the downside of it is that it takes more time. To store/keep all the information and data you have found out through various d

2.1 Storyboard for visual effect

This storyboard has helped me with with visualising what I want for the finalised effect as I can physically see what I am going to create.  


I seemed to find information about peoples interests so it would help me create a good media product. And so I went onto the website survey monkey to create a survey where I asked things such as what is the best energy drink, gaming console, video game franchise, place to eat, sport, genre of film, gender, streaming service, marvel film and finally how did they find the survey. Once I created this survey I continued to share the survey by sending the survey to others by using the application Microsoft Teams and from there they answered all my questions on survey monkey through the link on Microsoft Teams. All of the feedback I got from this survey and the people that answered it will help me to make a great media product.

2.1 Brainstorm

 This shows I can make a basic brainstorm about visual effects, duration, possibilities for a visual effect, software to use, camera shots and probability of being able to do effects effectively.