1.1 Short Film Proposal


The Bradley Parable is is a short five minute story about a main character hearing the narrator of his story and he goes against The narrator to get freedom of his life. 


The main characters of The Bradley Parable will be only the character Bradley who is a teenager who lives his life no very formulaic way as he does everything in the same way everyday until he meets The Narrator who is a character that is desperate to tell a story to us the audience so much so that she turns into the villain of the story trying to control Bradley’s life so she can make a good story.


The Bradley Parable short film will be a mix between thriller and will maybe comedy elements as well as it has maybe funny interactions between Bradley and The Narrator.

Screenplay Structure

Act 1: The story opens up by The Narrator talking about Bradleys life and how it is very repetitive and monotonous as he does the same thing every day.

Act 2: The story changes one day as The Narrator tells Bradley to do something as simple as eat cereal but Bradley refuses to do it and The Narrator slowly starts to become annoyed with him not following his script.

Act 3: The story gets more tense as Bradley stops doing what The Narrator is telling him to do and Bradley breaks down and the screen cuts to black then the first seen starts again and then the film ends.

Target Audience

The target audience of this short film will be fans of the thriller genre or people who like to see fourth wall breaking in the media they watch (which is when characters in stories realise they are in a story).

Film Treatment

The story begins with The character The Narrator talking about Bradleys life and how it is very repetitive and boring as he gets up, gets ready, eats breakfast, goes to college, goes home and sleeps and then the cycle repeats over and over again. until one day Bradley gets ready and puts on a different coat then what he normally wears after The Narrator specifically says "Bradley like usual put on his black waterproof coat" after this Bradley starts to realise that The Narrator keeps telling him what to do in his life like what cereal he eats in the morning and what work he does so he starts to stop listening to what The Narrator says he does in the little ways and over time The Narrator starts to get annoyed with Bradley not listening to his instructions and he does the opposite like sitting in a different seat then Normal and after a while The Narrator breaks character and starts talking directly to him and Bradley starts to do things like running and breaking down and after this The Narrator says "Alright Bradley I gave u chances and just going to restart and the screen cuts to black and and it repeats and ends. 


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