
Advertising Research for College advert

Image I know these examples aren't really similar to a advert for a college but bare with me this is a link to an advertisement for coca cola that was made around Christmas 2020 the goal of this advert is to associate Coca Cola with happiness and Christmas time therefore you buy more of their product and if I was able to make students feel productive through the ad I make it would be very effective. Things I like about this ad is that the shots in it were lit very well and were nice to look at and in my ad for Sunderland college I also want that in either the magazine or video I create making the add more appealing. This is an advert created by John Lewis and like the Coca Cola advert that I spoke about before it gets the viewer to associate their product as a warm and nice and happy product around Christmas time therefore making the viewer want to buy the product they are selling. the upsides to this

pitch recording

Blast off pitch - YouTube

Strengths and Weakness's of both projects

Strengths of my first pitch for the Adidas Swazz shoes is that I had a great idea for the advert as soon as I heard we had to create a pitch for Adidas Swazz and I was able to create everything needed in time for the pitch and then I presented it. A weakness of the first pitch is that the pitch I made wasn't as great as I would've wanted to be because of stuttering and such. Strengths of my second pitch (Blast off by the allergies) are that I like the first one I had a great idea for the music video as soon as I heard we had to create a pitch for blast off and I was able to create everything needed in time for the pitch and then I presented it.


Youtube 1080p This is a 1080p version of my short film (The Bradley Parable) for the website YouTube, this version of the video is great for large screens that support 1080p  and this is also a very large file. Youtube 720p This is a 720p version of my short film (The Bradley Parable) for the website YouTube, this version of the video is great for maybe phone screens or screens that only support 720p, the file size of this version is not too big and not to small, just in the middle. Vimeo 1080p This is a 1080p version of my short film (The Bradley Parable) for the website Vimeo, like before  this version of the video is great for large screens that support 1080p and this is also a very large file. Vimeo 480p This is a 480p version of my short film (The Bradley Parable) for the website Vimeo, this version of the video is great for maybe phone screens and for people watching the short film through their

2.2 Visual Effect In The Making

What I Have Done First I began by standing in front of a green screen in the studio and filming myself with a cannon camera using a tripod. Once I started the filming I acted out some actions like pretending to be cold and swimming and drinking and etc. After I had gathered all of the footage for my visual effect onto an SD card that I had in the camera whilst filming I put the SD card into my Mac computer and I uploaded all the clips to Adobe Premiere Pro and got some stock images of things I wanted to use behind me and I began making the effect. First in Premiere Pro I got my footage together in order and then continued to select the effects tab at the top of the screen and used the effect ultra key under the tab keying. Ultra key allows me to select the colour green in the back of my footage and remove it making a black background for example: After this I continued to place the stock photos that I wanted to be behind me in the video into my Premiere Pro timeline like so: After I ha


YouTube I'm going to encode a full version of my short film for YouTube in 1080p here is proof: I'm also going to encode a full version of my short film for YouTube in 720p here is proof: I'm also going to encode a full version of my short film for Vimeo in 1080p here is proof: I'm also going to encode a full version of my short film for Vimeo in 720p here is proof: Im going to encode my short film Into a wide range of sources and platforms. I m gonna use the websites youth and  Vimeo to encode these for suitable high quality streaming for the everyday viewer. This will be on mobile and  everything else. This will result in different quality and sizes to be streamed.  Youtube and Vimeo have their own specifications in which you have to import videos, these are the  specifications: YouTube Minimum dimension:  240p (426 x 240 ). ​ Maximum dimension:   4K (3840 x 2160) . ​ Aspect ratio : 16:9 (automatically adds black frame for 4:3 videos). ​ Max file size : 128 GB . ​ Max


In my short film The Bradley Parable The audio in my film is pretty good as the viewer can obviously make out what is diegetic a non-diegetic sound and I see this as one of the short films strengths as they can hear everything in my film that I want them to hear but also they don't hear what I don't want them too. For example many times in the short film I changed the diegetic sound or completely removed it for the sake of not taking the viewer out of the films story like at the second act of the short film I got rid off some diegetic sound from the background as the sound was to loud or abrupt compared to everything else happening in the short film at that specific time in the story I was telling.   The only way I can see my short film as is having a weakness when it comes to sound is that at some points The dietetic audio can seem louder than the music playing in the background like when I go to sit down at my chair in one of the scenes it seems too loud compare to everything