
Showing posts from October, 2020

2.1 & 2.2 Creating pitch

  Today i have started to make a powerpoint to help me when i present my pitch talking about audiences and the design and the contence of the advert.

Survey results Analysis

The first question in the survey was "what is your preferred drink" and the answers were overwhelmingly coca cola and fanta was second and following was just plain water.  The second question was "what is the best gaming platform" and the answers were actually pretty mixed as the most preferred was xbox followed by PC and then PS4.  The third question what game is better GTA 5 or saints row and surprisingly saints row won.  The next question was what is the best place to eat and the answers where the answers where very different as peoples answers where all very different as no place actually won as mac donalds and the local chippy tied.  The fourth question was asking what is the best sport and football and ruby tied.  The fifth question was just asking the gender of the user and there was way more men then women.  The sixth question was what’s your favourite kind of genre and all the mostly tired except from comedy and horror being only a little bit higher than th

1.1 Three Point Lighting

Three point lighting is when you have three lights, the key light, fill light and the back light.  First the key light of course lights the front of the subject.    The fill light lights the side of the subject making the subject be seen better by the camera And finally the back light is self explanatory as it lights the back of the subject making the camera see more of the subject in frame.

1.2 Hazards

  Hazards Hazards during filming a scene could be based on where you are filming that certain seem as if you’re filming it outside you have to think about weather, temperature and one that can do to filming. If you’re filming indoors you have to think about hazards such as stepping on wires and risks sort of like dropping the camera on the ground and possibly breaking it or not having the camera secure enough on the tripod which could also halter filming.

1.1 & 1.2 Adidas Advert

 For the adidas advert i will be playing the flash and the ad will basically start with a robber demanding money and after the flash makes a qwip at the robber the robber try to through a punch and the screen has a filter on it to make it look like the time has frozen and the the flash continues to mess with the robber and talk about the new adidas swazz shoes and how they are great and but the end of the advert time unfreezes and all the punches and stuff the flash as done throughout the ad happens then the slogan is shown then the end. Robber Wallet now! The Flash Oh god this is not a lucky day for u pal Robber You got a death wish kid? The Flash No, just new shoes (Robber pulls the trigger and time stops) (The Flash looks a lot the camera) The Flash  Hey! So I just got the new Adidas Swazz, imma test them out  (The Flash zips out of frame and comes back in less then a second) The Flash  Oh yeah these are great! Oh  (The Flash disarms the Robber and grabs the the robbers hand and mak

Interview Results

Myself and a bunch of others wanted to get peoples wanted to test over surveys that we made on the website survey monkey so we sat down and asked some questions to one another and this video is me asking my questions to two people and seeing their reactions and opinions on certain topics in The media industry such as genre of films, TV shows, music etc. The first question i had asked to two of my classmates was "what do you think is the most diverse actor?' the answers where the actor Rowan Sebastian Altkinson CBE for his great performances in the mr bean shows and movies as he can communicate with good body language and creating comedy from that and the second answer was Barbra Streisand for her singing ability and films. The second question i asked was do you prefer TV shows or films one of them said they prefer films as there is usually a full story in films and they like that more than cliff hangers and such  and the other said they like TV shows as there is more time to d

1.1 How to set up a cannon camera

To use the cannon camera camera lens you can just adjust the cameras debt of field by touching the end part of the lens  and you can also alter the zoom by touching the lens and also change the cameras brightness by adjusting the ISO. to record o the cannon camera you just simply need to click the record button that is to the top right of the screen that displays what the camera sees. To set up  cannon camera on a tripod you first have to attach the shoe to the bottom of the cannon camera by screwing it into the camera on the bottom.  Once the shoe is attached to the bottom of the camera get the tripod extent the legs and put it on the ground then attach the cannon to the top of the tripod by using the little latch then just point the camera to where you want.

1.1 & 1.2 Pitching Adidas Swazz

Starting off with this adidas pitch I'm going to talk about the target audience which is teenage boys and possibly professional footballers. the target audience will be mostly teenage boys as they love to play football and also have nice and fashionable shoes. and my current idea for the is to make an pitch that resonates with fans of dc comics as dc is a large audience that also mostly has the fanbase of teenage boys.  This product will have different versions of footwear based on characters from dc comics such as for example the superhero The Flash and his nemesis the Reverse Flash. this is a good as it reaches both fans of football, movie goers, and the comic book readers all in one advert. this will be memorable as both fandoms will talk about this new product and fans of both will really like this product. for the advert i will use a picture of a red shoe with the flash logo on it that i will photoshop onto it and the same with a yellow shoe with the reverse flashs logo on it.

media introduction to pitching a media product

 The movie i had chosen was the the social network and it was the scene where the character Eduardo saverin (based on the real life person) finds out about Mark Zuckerberg (also based on a real person) is planning to make a business deal where Eduardo's shares are diluted in the company meaning he's set him up to be kicked out of the company of Facebook. this scene is really good as the acting is spot on and the the dialogue is  perfectly done by Aaron Sorkin along with the score that is silent in the background until the end. The video game i picked was total 2 and the scene was the final scene where the main character chell is finally let go form the labs after decades and all the drones sing to her as she leaves and only to realize that everyone on earth is dead as she has outlived them all and she is alone on earth and the way this is told to u is from reusing a great joke from the first portal game in the form of the companion cube.