1.1 & 1.2 Adidas Advert

 For the adidas advert i will be playing the flash and the ad will basically start with a robber demanding money and after the flash makes a qwip at the robber the robber try to through a punch and the screen has a filter on it to make it look like the time has frozen and the the flash continues to mess with the robber and talk about the new adidas swazz shoes and how they are great and but the end of the advert time unfreezes and all the punches and stuff the flash as done throughout the ad happens then the slogan is shown then the end.


Wallet now!

The Flash

Oh god this is not a lucky day for u pal


You got a death wish kid?

The Flash

No, just new shoes

(Robber pulls the trigger and time stops)

(The Flash looks a lot the camera)

The Flash 

Hey! So I just got the new Adidas Swazz, imma test them out 

(The Flash zips out of frame and comes back in less then a second)

The Flash 

Oh yeah these are great! Oh 

(The Flash disarms the Robber and grabs the the robbers hand and make him punch himself in the face)

The Flash 

So get the new Adidas swazz and don’t be this guy.

(The Flash walks of frame and time unfreezes and the robber falls to the ground)

(The Flash theme comes up with the slogan been back in a flash)


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