1.1 & 1.2 Pitching Adidas Swazz

Starting off with this adidas pitch I'm going to talk about the target audience which is teenage boys and possibly professional footballers. the target audience will be mostly teenage boys as they love to play football and also have nice and fashionable shoes. and my current idea for the is to make an pitch that resonates with fans of dc comics as dc is a large audience that also mostly has the fanbase of teenage boys. 

This product will have different versions of footwear based on characters from dc comics such as for example the superhero The Flash and his nemesis the Reverse Flash. this is a good as it reaches both fans of football, movie goers, and the comic book readers all in one advert. this will be memorable as both fandoms will talk about this new product and fans of both will really like this product. for the advert i will use a picture of a red shoe with the flash logo on it that i will photoshop onto it and the same with a yellow shoe with the reverse flashs logo on it. i will also use a slogan on this advert which will be "be back in a flash" this will also make the pitch memorable.

in the pitch i will have the red football shoe with the flashes logo and i will have the slogan at the bottom and have adidas swazz at the above the footwear with a red background along with maybe a the yellow reverse flash shoe. it will also have the the adidas logo and the online website at the bottom of the pitch showing where the consumer can purchase the footwear product.

Is there a meaning to The Flash logo on his suit? : FlashTV


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