Non-diegetic audio in films is when there is music or sounds  that only we the audience can hear as it’s something that doesn’t exist in the world of the film as it cannot be heard of the characters.

Chris Heckmann. (2020). What is Non-Diegetic Sound? Definition and Examples. Available: Last accessed 12/01/2021.

unknown. (2012). Daniel's Training - The Karate Kid (6/8) Movie CLIP (1984) HD. Available: Last accessed 12/01/2021.

unknown. (2019). Joker (2019) - 'Bathroom Dance' scene [1080p]. Available: Last accessed 12/01/2021.

These are videos that showcase what non-diegetic audio is. One of the scenes shown is from the movie joker, the scene has music that only the audience can hear and does not exist in the world of the movie and the music makes the audience feel on edge or uncomfortable ounce it uses such things as violins. This is good and is very effective as it shows the mindset of our protagonist without stating it out right. 

Diegetic audio in films is when audio is actually occurring in the films world and all the characters can hear the music and the music can change things in the film.

Chris Heckmann. (2020). What is Diegetic Sound? Diegetic Definition and Examples. Available: Last accessed 12/01/2021.

This is a link to a credible response that talks about what diegetic sound is.

unknown. (2016). The Amazing Spider-Man 2 diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Available: Last accessed 12/01/2021.

unknown. (2012). Hip to be Square - American Psycho (3/12) Movie CLIP (2000) HD 8,957,576 views•15 Mar 2012. Available: Last accessed 12/01/2021.

These are videos that showcase what diegetic audio is. One of the examples is from a film called American psycho in the scene the main character talks about the music he puts on as he puts it in and speaks about it before killing another character in the film showing that it is diegetic it is existing in that world. is effects the scene as the main character distracts the victim with I'm talking about the music and it makes it a more effective scene when he kills him. 


  1. You have found some examples Josh, but remember you should be discussing/analysing them. Try to describe just what is is about that use of sound that makes it effective. For example, how does the non-diegetic sound create excitment/tension etc in a scene, is it the tempo of the music, the tone, the instruments, how it matches the action etc


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