What is a Storyboard?

 A storyboard is tool that directors and storyboards use to show what a scene will look like when it is filmed and to show how certain shots will be and how some effects will be like after they are done with for example in the for the film Spiderman 2 (directed by Sam Rami) the train battle got storyboarded to show what would happen in the scene such as the cinematography and the choreography.

Ethan Halo. (unknown ). SPIDER-MAN 2 Subway Train Attack Storyboards by Chris Buchinsky. Available: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/88594317654023935/. Last accessed 03/12/2020.

In some cases such as films adapted from comic books or novels the directors will just use the comic panels as the storyboards for example in the film Scott pilgrim vs The world (directed by Edgar Wright) The film mostly used the already existing art made by Bryan Lee O’Marley.

unknown. (unknown ). Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Trailer Recreated with Pages from the Graphic Novel. Available: https://kurtzgraphics.com/scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-trailer-recreated-with-pages-from-the-graphic-novel/. Last accessed 03/12/2020.

Other ways directors and storyboarders can do storyboards is through animatics. Animatics are used usually in animated movies to show what the vision of a single scene would be as an example this scene from the movie Spider-Man into the spider verse.

Alberto Mielgo. (2019). Spider-Man into the spider-verse Animation test/by Alberto Mielgo. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnEJxo6RcQM&feature=youtu.be. Last accessed 03/12/2020.

Also another way to do storyboards is through Previsualisation. Previsualisation is why are you use I camera and basic areas and people such as stunt doubles to show how a fight scene or and dancing scene will look look like when it’s filmed for example when Marvel Studios and Netflix made the TV show daredevil They would have to make previsualisations so actors wouldn’t know how to do the moves in the fight scenes.

unknown. (2016). Daredevil Season 2 Episode 3 - Hallway/Stairwell fight scene - PreViz. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ZnesJQTEGRA. Last accessed 03/12/2020.

Harvard style of storyboards is very much like normal storyboarding but it includes colour and things searches dialogue coming out of peoples mouths through speech bubbles and doesn’t Indicate the camera movements and such things like that, it mainly focuses on the dialogue of the storyboards characters and such.


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