Research genre

The action genre is based around the idea of interesting fights or things such as war or just destruction in general. And most action genre films include explosions and things such as a hero that will save the day. Most action films but not all have a protagonist and and an antagonist that throughout the film have battles and there is in most films that there is a twist maybe like the real antagonist is someone who was an ally of the main protagonist.  

The action genre has a very wide audience as the action genre Can be linked with all types of genres in films such as spy films, superhero films or anything that involves things such as fight scenes, car chases, explosions etc.

In action films there is most of the time in a good story tension and the main character is always in trouble or in danger in some way to keep the audience on edge and feeling uncomfortable. the best director that does this sort of tension in his action films is Christopher Nolan as in all of his films he adds music to make more tension throughout the action. 


Rachelle Ramirez. (unknown ). Secrets of the Action Genre: How to Write an Exciting Story. Available: Last accessed 16/12/2020 .

Wouter du Toit. (2017). How Christopher Nolan Uses the Shepard Tone to Build Up Tension in 'Dunkirk'. Available: Last accessed 16/12/2020 .


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