1.1 Creating a Visual Effect


For my visual effect I am thinking about doing is a walk through walls effect. Where you run into a wall and then edit it in premiere pro to look like you run through the wall but actually you don't, you just bump into the wall and you remove that part of the video in premiere pro and edit the body to look like its going through the wall. this will hopefully imitate an effect you would see in a si fi movie such as the Harry Potter films or super hero films.


Where I would film is anywhere with a steady wall and plenty of space to set up the camera and tripod and a place that I will be able to take my time with getting a perfect shot that will be the best to edit in premiere pro. I will most likely just film outside against a brick wall outside the college.


The equipment I will need for this project will be a tripod a cannon camera a place to film and the software premiere pro to edit the video after filming the video.

Shot list

I will just film the wall and show myself running towards the wall with no extra shots as I think that this is a simple effect that doesn't need to be too complicated and extra shots would just overcomplicate the editing.


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