LA3 Knowing about research methods

 29th Of September 

Primary Research

The primary research is when you go out and search for something without using other peoples research on a certain topic but secondary research is using others research through google or websites like Wikipedia. Some examples of primary research is interviews telephones and facts face to face.

Secondary Research

The secondary research or desk research is when you use other people research and data to in what you are working on such as your own research or working on a certain topic for example sites like wikipedias data get used by lots of people because of the facts provided. some examples are textbooks, encyclopaedias, new articles and meta analysis's.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research is when you just methods such as collecting and analysing non numerical data for example data video, text examples, opinions or more insights into a problem or get new ideas.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is research that relies on non-numerical and unstructured knowledge of the topic. And the quantitative research is the process of collecting lots and lots of data at once, this is good for collecting patterns and such.


  1. You are still missing some elements here - no secondary research or quantitative. Also don't forget to label this under 'Research for Creative Media Production'

  2. Don't forget you should also have your 'research techniques' post up on your blog by now


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